Please find detailed information about our briefings, about CTA and about our partners on this page. You can also find information about the press coverage of our latest meetings.

Brussels Development Briefings

The ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the European Commission, the EU Presidency, the ACP Group, Concord, and other partners organize regular development Briefing sessions in Brussels on key issues and challenges for rural development in the context of EU-ACP cooperation. The target group of such Briefings is the wider ‘development’ community in Brussels (EC services, European Parliament, NGOs and networks, ACP group, EU Member States representatives…). [Read more]

Next briefing

The next Brussels Briefing will be held in 2015. To register for the Briefing, please click here, specifying that you would like to attend as a journalist. For any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us an email to Isolina Boto –

Previous briefings

To get direct access to all of our previous briefings, please click here. We provide you with a full video documentation of the events in French and English, a summary of the conference as well as a topical reader, information about the speakers and the presentations that they gave.


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About CTA

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is an ACP-EU institution working in the field of information for development. We operate under the ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement and our headquarters are in The Netherlands. When it was set up, in 1984, CTA was given the challenging task of improving the flow of information among stakeholders in agricultural and rural development in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. [Read more]

Brussels Office

The CTA Office in Brussels has the following objectives:

  • Increase visibility of CTA programmes and activities and communicate our core messages
  • Feed the headquarters with the alerts on the key issues discussed by the development community in Brussels
  • Increase awareness and advocacy on the role agriculture and rural development plays for the ACP group of countries with the aim to attract additional interest and funding
  • Build partnerships and develop strategic alliances with key actors in the development community.

The main activities of the Brussels Office are:

  • Promoting Policy dialogue
  • Facilitating Information and Communication Sharing


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Our partners

European Commission, DG DEVCO

The Directorate General Development of the European Commission is responsible for bilateral and development cooperation relations of the European Union with Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. It operates under the guidance of Commissioner Neven Mimica, who is responsible for International Cooperation and Development. Director-General Fernando Frutuoso de Melo is responsible for the overall realisation of the DG’s mission, which consists in the implementation of the European Commission’s external aid instruments financed by the European Community budget and the European Development Fund. [Read more on Wikipedia]

ACP Group

The ACP Group is a political body constituted of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. It is composed of organs at various levels, namely the ACP Heads of State and Government, the Council of Ministers and the Committee of Ambassadors. The ACP Secretariat, located in Brussels, is responsible for the administrative management of the ACP Group. It assists the Group’s decision-making and advisory organs in carrying out their work. It also implements the decisions made by the ACP Group’s policy-making organs, fulfils tasks for the ACP Parliamentary Assembly and assists the ACP organs and joint institutions created in the framework of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreements. [Read more][Comprehensive information]


CONCORD is the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development. Its 18 international networks and 25 national associations from the European Member States represent more than 1600 European NGOs vis-à-vis the European Institutions. The main objective of the Confederation is to enhance the impact of European development NGOs vis-à-vis the European Institutions by combining expertise and accountability. [Read more]